sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2008

Getting up

I know you're not my world, there's so must more besides you... But I feel lost when you're not around!

Everytime we touch i used to know everything gonna be alright... But now you're touch is so distant!

Everytime we talk it used to be so entusiastic, and it used to be so much to say... Now there's just silence between us!

I used to find shelter in you're hug... But now there's no time for hugs!

I used to love the way you make me smile... Now is you who put me in bad moods!

Everytime I time I try to say is over, I can't take anymore, there's always something who gives me hope again!

Day by day, step by step, I keep trying...

but we get to a point when you can't hurt me more than you had already hurted me...

And for what?

Now is time to move on and grow up!!!

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